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Which physical activity will you choose to do today?

Smiling woman exercising in the fitness studio

Today is National Fitness Day - the most active day of the year which brings people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities together to celebrate the fun of fitness and to recognise the incredible physical, social and mental benefits fitness brings to our lives.

"There's plenty of evidence that taking part in physical activity can have a profound and positive impact on mental wellbeing"

- Sport England

This year the campaign will again demonstrate the inclusive power physical activity has by celebrating how ‘Fitness Unites Us’. By uniting through sports we can find the mental strength to help us cope better with our daily challenges. Getting active can reduce anxiety and stress, combat low mood and increase self-esteem. It can help us feel good on the inside and out!

“Physical activity is not just a health issue. It brings people together to enjoy shared activities and contributes to building strong communities (…)”

- UK Chief Medical Officers' Physical Activity Guidelines

Happy and fit people working out in the gym

how can I take part?

Free events and activities will take place in gyms, leisure centres, studios, parks, and sports clubs, as well as online via digital platforms and apps, with millions of people set to to try a new activity and take the first step to living a more active life.

Your National Fitness Day can be whatever you want it to be - go for a walk during lunchtime, pop into your local gym, play badminton with your children or even have a plank challenge at work. What’s important is to move and have fun!

Find out more about the health benefits of physical activity and get some more ideas and inspiration in our 'Be active!' guide.


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